Three Experiences
One master’s program, three European universities, endless opportunities
All three beneficiaries offer the usual student services at large comprehensive universities. Direct support services at their faculties, Careers Coordinators, Language Consultants, and Internationalization Offices that organize welcome activities and provide guidance to recently arrived students. The buildings contain receptions with student services, cafés and plenty of study places, as well as computer rooms.
Life in Campus
The environments at the Facultad de Letras of the University of Murcia, the Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Humanistiska och Teologiska Fakulteterna of Lund University are in vibrant, central locations. These settings are ideal for studying, socializing and accessing cultural activities and urban services. The local student unions have offices on campus. Both the unions and the universities’ cultural and language services organize social activities open to all students.

All three institutions have modern, well-equipped libraries with skilled librarians who offer courses and workshops on catalog and electronic resources. Each library is highly specialized in the subjects taught at its respective faculty, curating collections and resources based on academic requirements. In addition to providing a pleasant study environment, the libraries also serve as virtual learning spaces through their websites, offering online resources such as subject guides and courses.